New under the RASCO brand: PC ‒ RASKO ‒ N and PC ‒ RASKO ‒ M safety valves





We present to your attention a new development of RASKO NPF LLC - inexpensive and compact safety valves for protecting pressure gauges and pressure gauges from the negative impact of peak overloads: PK-RASKO-M at operating pressure from 0.4 to 6.0 MPa (from 4 to 60 kGf / cm2) and PK-RASKO-N at operating pressure from 4 to 40 kPa.


Safety valve PK-RASKO-M with pressure sensor and pressure gauge with a diameter of 100 mm


Safety valve PK-RASKO-N with head diameter 65 mm

The PK-RASKO-M and PK-RASKO-N valves are operable in the temperature range of -30 .... + 70 ° C. Work is underway to expand the specified temperature range. They can be used in liquid and gas systems using a wide variety of liquids and gases, non-corrosive to stainless and carbon steel, aluminum and copper alloys, fluoroplastic, silicone and rubber.

Distinctive features:

• Combination of pressure monitoring capability with overload protection.

• Wide range of tuning ranges.

• Extended range of connecting threads.

• Minimum weight and dimensions.

• Optimum price / quality ratio.

Recommended use cases:

  • in liquid systems - in the presence of the risk of water hammer due to the low compressibility of the liquid,
  • in gas systems - when installing pressure control devices after gas pressure regulators, where a high-pressure pulse passes to the output of the pressure regulator for a period of time until the regulator's regulator is in the position corresponding to the setting pressure, and also after the relay valves.

PK-M valves with similar technical characteristics are several times cheaper than foreign analogues, and PK-H valves do not currently have foreign or domestic analogues. Products fully comply with import substitution requirements.

In the coming months, we are ready to supply PK-M and PK-N valves for your orders, operating in the range of ambient temperatures of -30 .... + 70 ° C. Work is underway to expand the specified temperature range.

LLC NPF RASCO will take part in the exhibition of the industrial boiler, heat exchange and power generating equipment HEAT & POWER-2019, which will be held October 22-24, 2019 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC.

At the stand of OOO NPF RASCO these and other latest developments in the field of commercial and technological metering of gas, instrumentation, boiler automation, gas control equipment and shut-off and control valves, the most relevant proposals and innovative developments of the largest Russian and foreign ones will be presented partners of our company - leading manufacturers of the industry.

Visitors to our stand will be able to get acquainted with the full assortment necessary for the equipment of gas boiler houses, heating stations, furnaces, dryers, gas supply to suburban villages or a separate residential building in one place and at the prices of manufacturers!

At our stand, you can also get consultations from leading specialists of our company, get acquainted with promotional and technical materials, and discuss organizational and technical issues of mutually beneficial cooperation.


Research and Production Firm RASCO

Moscow, st. Mitinskaya, 12

+7 (495) 970-16-83 (multi-channel) ,


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