03 October 2019 News FITO Company - Visitors’ Bags Sponsor Heat and Power 2019 FITO Company: Engineering and development of turnkey projects. 250 MW of power generation and 1200 MW heat generation capacity – the total amount of energy output of the implemented facilities. Design, 3D visualization and production prototype of power plants. Supply of equipment and components produced by leading foreign manufacturers. Affiliate Partner of GreenTech Energy being the official distributer of Innio Jenbacher Gas Engines (Austria) – the supplier of CHP Units. Power plants automated control processes. An individual approach. Web: www.fito.group E-mail: dip@fito-system.ru Phone: 8 (495) 230-81-61, 8 (916) 157 03 08 Address: 108814, Moscow, 23rd kilometer of the Kaluga highway (Sosenskoye settlement), Vlad. 14, p. 3, room T 4.2