Power engineers prepared a heat supply scheme for Moscow until 2035. The document includes an electronic model of the development of the city in accordance with the Master Plan.
By 2035, the capital’s energy and authorities plan to build 90 new heat sources and upgrade 141 old ones, build or reconstruct 8.4 thousand km of heating networks, and also quadruple the rate of replacement of dilapidated networks.
Each year, the capital consumes 100 million Gcal of heat. This enormous figure is provided by 135 heat supply organizations, more than 17 thousand km of heating networks, 24 pumping and pumping stations, and more than 20 thousand heat points. Centralized heating and hot water is supplied to 117 thousand buildings with a total area of 436 million m². According to statistics, the Moscow heating system ranks first in the world in terms of volume.
At the same time, the capital is one of the fastest growing megalopolises in the world. What is the mere expansion of Moscow 2.4 times due to the accession of part of the Moscow region in 2011-2012. TiNAO added a headache to power engineers - unlike metropolitan networks, the quality of heating pipelines near Moscow and equipment left much to be desired. It took years to upgrade them and pull them up to the Moscow level. Of the 67 boiler houses put into operation in Moscow in 2013-2018, the vast majority - 53 - were built in TiNAO. In the same period, 37 boiler houses, 1.12 thousand km of heating networks and 166 heating points were reconstructed in the capital.
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